He loves it!! This is an app that can grow with your child. I purchased this app for my 26 year old special needs grandson. "Great for drill and practice of math facts! Wide range of math problems and easy to use!" - ThePro1980 They were very quick, almost instant, to answer my questions. Single Player game mode also includes 4 different achievements to unlock Single Player game mode includes 5 different leaderboards Single player game allows users to compete for the highest score on Game Center Multiplayer Game mode allows players to compete against each other for basic math facts recall The first game mode is a multiplayer game that allows up to 4 players to play on an iPad or two players on an iPhone or iPod Touch Bonus content includes two different game modes Users can email the result page in an un-editable text file so that you know you are receiving accurate information The result page shows the user the missed problems along with the correct answers to the problems they missed Features a chalk board so that problems can be worked out by the user It is compatible with iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch Users can decide how many questions to complete Provides sound affects (can be turned on or off)
Users can set one of the numbers to a specific number Negative numbers can be generated randomly or you can control which numbers are negative! Supports negative numbers(Turned off by default) You can set a minimum number(0 - 994), it has to be lower than your maximum number) The max number can be set as low as 1 or as high as 999 Customizable timer (can be turned on or off) The second game type allows you to compete for the highest score on Game Center! I hope you enjoy this app! If there is anything I can do to make this app better please contact me at this or go to my website () and click on the "contact" tab. The first game type allows up to four players (on the iPad) or two players (on the iPhone) to compete against each other on recall of basic math facts.

The Game section allows you to play two different types of games. The email contains an un-editable text file, so that you know that the results are accurate. You can easily send emails of your accomplishments. Math Flash Cards includes a chalk board feature that allows you to work out problems directly on the iPad. This app features nearly 16,000,000 possible math problems (in the Math Review section)! It provides drill and practice for the user who needs to develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills. Math Flash Cards is an app designed for basic and complex addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. Used by thousands of teachers and students across the world!